Situated between cute and work-hot, Samantha finds herself bouncing between flirting with guys at her corporate job in Chicago and occasional hookups on the weekends after a night clubbing. While on vacation with her bestie to Charleston SC she found herself flirting with a guy from Jacksonville who worked in finance. In the early morning hours of their romantic encounter Samatha heard the words “Will you stop snoring?”. She was mortified. Thankfully the sunrise was only a couple hours away and she had an escape plan.
The next week Samantha began searching “How do you know if you’re snoring”, and found herself facing an ad for sleep apnea. No. No way. Sleep apnea is only for guys and obese women, and she refused to consider seeing a specialist. She did however notice something called dental devices. She first tried a cheap one from CVS, and surprisingly noticed the slimmest improvement, but not enough. Samantha was then motivated by reviews of Pure Sleep and gave it a shot. Upon its delivery it took only minutes for Samantha to fit it to her mouth in the privacy of her apartment. The next morning her throat was not sore, her jawline felt a level of relief she could not recall, and her energy was much higher than normal.
Other ones Zquiet,